Macro keyboard with ESP32

You can flash firmware for your ESP32 password keyboard here:
ESP32 Imaging page

About Password Keyboard

Project files location:

Early model of password keyboard
Built into the work bench

This project arise from the need to use large number of periodically changing passwords (in my case between 16 hours, to monthly changes).

This simple device uses a ESP32 dev board, a 4×4 matrix keyboard, and a common cathode RGB LED.

It can be configured to use 8 x 15 passwords / macros.
The long hold on * key is used to select pages using keys 0-7.
The long hold on # key is used for different functions.

To set normal typing speed (default, 20ms delay) press and hold “#” key until LED turns white, and press “1” key.
To set slow typing speed (200 ms delay) press and hold “#” key until LED turns white, and press “2” key.

To print user manual, connect the device as BT keyboard, open Notepad (or any text editor), Press and hold “#” key until LED turns white, and press “0” key. Instructions will be typed into the text editor.

To activate WiFi press and hold “#” key until LED turns white, and press “A” key.
Once WiFi is activated, the web configuration utility can be used.

Default WiFi mode is AP – the device creates it’s own WiFi named “Macro_kbd_XXXX” where XXXX are last 4 characters of the device MAC address. Default password is “12345678”. The configuration page can be accessed at .
To deactivate WiFi press and hold “#” key until LED turns white, and press “3” key.

Here is how to assemble it:

This aims for the simplest and least expensive hardware.

All commands are accessible using the serial console:

Here is a link to the case 3D print model